[Authors] [Contrubutors]


Prof.Dr.Hakan ABACIOGLU, Microbiology Department and Central Laboratory Director Idea, Editorial

Biy. Mehmet KÖSTEK, DEÜTF.Merkez Lab. Organisation, Sediment Examination, Take Photo


Dr.Tuncay KÜME, Biochemistry Department, Research Asistant . Teorical Information Preperation, Translation for English, Medmaster

Dr.Elife ÖZKAN, Biochemistry Department, Teorical Information Preperation

Dr.Serpil TANRIVERDİ, Biochemistry Department, Research Asistant Translation for German


  Prof.Dr.Salih KAVUKÇU, DEÜTF.Pediatric Nephrology Department Help to evaluation the photos
  Doç.Dr.Yusuf ÖZBEL, Parasitology Department Parasitology photos
  Workers in Pathology and Parasitology laboratory Fotoğraf makinelerini kullanmamıza izin verdikleri ve  kullanırken yardımlarında dolayı
  Workers in Biochemistry laboratory Sağladıkları kolaylık ve manevi desteklerinden dolayı

Thank you for contrubutors....


Organic Sediment [ Cells   Casts  Microorganisms and parasites  Others ] İnorganic Sediment [ Crystals  Others ]

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